The impact of technology in relation to agriculture

Agriculture has great significance in society. It provides food, a source of income, and offers raw materials for manufacturing industries and businesses. There are lots of innovations that have a huge impact on the farm. Agriculture has been greatly shaped by technological innovations.

Effective agriculture development requires access to technology and innovation in all aspects such as agricultural production, processing, and marketing. The most notable achievement of new technologies is the development of high-yielding grain seed varieties leading to increased production.

Major Technological Innovations


Agriculture technology and innovation have brought about tools that help in land preparation, planting, and machinery for other farming processes.

The evolution from simple manual land preparation and planting tools to advanced machine-operated tractors and planters has greatly reduced labor costs and improved the time of operation. Other machinery includes automated sprayers, threshing machines ( separating grain from stalks and husks), and harvesting equipment. This major modification in agricultural machinery has increased efficiency in farm operations.

Modern Irrigation

Farmers have adopted new ways of irrigating crops. In the past farmers relied on rain which is seasonal, unreliable, and inadequate. The use of irrigation enables the production of crops consistently and the supply of food throughout the year. Irrigation improves crop growth and quality. 

Soil and Water Sensors

Modern farmers have embraced smart crop sensors that check the moisture content of the soil, soil PH, and also checks the health of the crops. This information helps the farmer to determine the fertilizers to use, the amount of water required by the crops, and the pesticides to be sprayed.

Use of Modern Greenhouse

Greenhouses create a favorable climate for growing crops, especially vegetables and fruits throughout the year. Greenhouse utilizes irrigation technology which promotes maximum use of space and growing of crops throughout the year under a specialized environment.


The impact of technology in agriculture cannot be underestimated, great benefits are experienced through high productivity and increased efficiency in the entire value chain. Other benefits are reduced production costs, increased incomes, increased farm productivity, and protect the land and its finite resources.

How to grow and care for your leeks

Leeks are a hardy biennial plant mostly grown as an annual. They belong to the same family as onions. They are thick white stems having a slight onion flavor. They are used as cooked vegetables and taste delicious in soup.  Leeks need a warm to cool climate and can tolerate a wide range of soils.

Below are simple steps you can follow to grow your leeks.


Prepare a nursery by digging deeply at least 15cm, the nursery should be I m wide.  Spread a wheelbarrow of compost or farmyard manure on the soil and dig it in. Raise the nursery bed 15 – 20 cm high from the ground. Make thin lines at a spacing of 15cm apart. Make furrow and spread the leek seeds thinly along the lines cover lightly. After this cover with mulch and shade lightly. Leeks can also be raised in seed propagation trays


Prepare your land early and work compost into the soil. Lift seedlings from the nursery when half as thick as a pencil or after 6 weeks. Planting holes15cm deep and 3cm wide should be made. Use a spacing of 35cm between rows and 20cm between plants. The seedlings should be dropped into the holes. Do not fill the holes with earth; just pour a little water into each hole. This space will fill up with loose soil which will allow the plant to grow.

Management of leeks

Leeks require soils that are rich and well-drained. Incorporate the soil with organic matter like compost or farmyard manure. After transplanting add mulch around the plant to retain moisture and minimize weeds. Add a phosphate fertilizer before or when transplanting and top dress with a nitrogenous fertilizer   3- 4 weeks later.

Ensure regular watering to keep the soil moist and avoid too much soggy soil as it may accelerate fungal problems. Pests and diseases in leeks are rarely serious. Careful choice of varieties that are disease resistant and have good production practices help keep disease and pests at bay.

Onions thrips and onions maggots are common pests. Thrips cause leaf silvering and die back. The common disease includes powdery mildew and purple blotch. These fungal diseases occur during damp weather conditions.


Harvest your leeks when the shoots are about 4cm in diameter and 25-30cm long. The leaves should be brightly colored and crisp. Before dispatch to the market trim and wash the leaves and roots. The crop matures in 4- 5 months, they can be left in the ground for some months until they are required.

Leeks are easy to grow, and they require sufficient water, sunlight, and nutrients to effectively give you a good harvest. They are nutritious and have a host of health benefits. We have grown them on our farm and they have given us wonderful results. Share with us your experience with this crop on your farm.

 5 Benefits of organic farming

Organic farming is a system of farming that relies on natural processes. That is animal and plant wastes, nitrogen-fixing cover crops rather than the use of synthetic inputs. Organic farmers rely on practices like crop rotation, composting to build fertility, and the use of mechanical methods to control weeds. They also use biological products for disease and pest control.

Organic farming reduces soil erosion, recycles animal waste from the farm, and uses fewer and less harsh pesticides. Further, it decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water. Its main objective is founded on soil management, conservation, ecological balance, promoting the nutrient cycle, and conserving biodiversity.

Characteristics of organic farm

  • An organic farm is about organic carbon in the soil
  • Presence of dry matter on the soil surface commonly known as mulching
  • Presence of microbes or earthworms below the dry matter
  • Presence of moisture in the soil
  • Absence of exposure of the soil to sun/ rain/ winds.
  • Natural livestock and poultry production
  • Variety of crops that support different types of soil microorganisms, and insects and promote soil management
  • Organic weed and pest control which includes mechanical tillage, mulching, cover crops, crop rotation, intercropping, minimal tillage, and green manure.
  • Dependency on beneficial predatory insects, and soil microorganisms for pest control

Benefits of organic farming

Environmental benefits

Organic farming is environmentally friendly, it’s chemical free hence safe for the environment. It promotes sustainable development. It reduces exposure to harmful chemicals or pesticides that leads to contamination of the soil and soil erosion. This farming discourages the use of harsh chemicals to preserve the natural environment. It also promotes the use of natural cultivation practices such as mulching and use of cover crops which retain the soil’s natural ability to thrive sustainably. A green environment promotes diversity and ecological harmony hence bringing about environmental sustainability.

Economic Benefits

In organic farming, you use locally available inputs (animal and plant wastes) with no exposure to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, therefore, reducing expenses. The growth of the organic food industry as well as farmers’ markets offering organic products guarantees high profitability. Other current trends are the establishment of natural foods; plant-based superfoods, alternative dairy products, and plant-based proteins.

Soil Health benefits

Organic farming majorly relies on natural ways of nourishing the soil. Such ways include using green manure, compost, and natural mineral powders. These methods improve the soil structure, fertility, and water-holding capacity. There are increases in the soil microbial activities that release soil nutrients.

Other practices such as the use of cover crops and crop rotation maintain the soil’s organic matter. Through organic residues that are recycled back into the soil.

Human health improvement

There is a huge demand for organic products since most people have become aware of their health benefits, they are also considered safer. An organic product contains lower levels of chemicals, therefore reducing health risks for consumers. For farmers, farmworkers, and their families there is minimal exposure to toxic and persistent chemicals on the farm, food, and water.

Generates incomes

Major opportunities in organic framing have come up. Organic vegetables and fruit production are notable ventures. These can generate income due to the high demand for organic products. Another option is the production of organic medicines from natural products. This can be another avenue of income generation.

Many people have embraced this new concept and new businesses have been set up.


The overall goal of organic farming is to create a sustainable and efficient system that works in harmony with the natural world. Organic farming extensively relies on nourishing the soil naturally and offers various benefits as outlined above.

Why you should test your soil for a good harvest

Soil is the food for the plants on your farm. Healthy soil means better yields, better incomes, better profits, and better livelihoods. Soil carries the required nutrients that plants require for growth. It is important to know the status of the soil before planting by conducting a soil test.

Do a soil test to know:

  • The condition of the soil

 Soil needs to have a good organic matter content, which helps to hold moisture and nutrients in the soil. Nutrients include nitrogen, Phosphorus, and a balanced mix of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, borates e.t.c for plants to grow and flower well.

Soil tests are therefore important to determine the soil’s PH content and nutrient levels and you can choose the practices to improve the soil on your farm.

  • How much fertilizer to use

A soil test shows the deficiency of nutrients that your soil has, this aids in decision-making when purchasing farm inputs such as fertilizers and organic manures. It also avoids over-fertilization of the soil thus reducing related environmental effects.

  • Know the crops to grow on your farm

Different crops thrive best in specific soils. Soil tests to determine the PH content which describes how alkaline or acidic your soil is helps in proper soil management to adjust the PH depending on the crops you plan to grow.  The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. You will determine the best plants for your area to avoid waste of time and money.

  • To improve the soil’s nutritional balance

Continuous land use has led to degradation due to the depletion of soil nutrients. Contamination of soils from pesticides and other chemicals is also rampant. Soil testing will detect such issues and help mitigate and restore the soil’s nutritional status as well as conserve the environment.

To Collect A Good Soil Sample

Insert a soil auger or panga 1 foot deep into the soil

Turn it severally to dig out a sample

Put the soil in a bag

Repeat the same procedure with 20 other different points in your farm using a Zigzag/W pattern

Put the soil in a sample bag

Label the sample bag; include the following name, address, location, phone number, and crops you intend to grow.

Send your soil sample to a soil testing laboratory near you.

Soil testing has potential benefits for the farmer such as higher yields, improved crop quality, lowered operating costs, faster growth, and maximized profitability. We would love to help you learn more about how to take your soil sample for testing and achieve a good harvest on your farm. Talk to us.

What is a mixed farming and why is it important?

The basics of intercropping on a smallholder’s farm

Intercropping is a method of growing more than one crop in the same piece of land during the same season. The major benefit has been to increase the production per unit area. It enables you as a farmer to utilize available resources on the farm. With intercropping, you will have the Base/Main crop and the intercrop. The intercrop has a short lifecycle and will mainly be grown for extra profits or to mitigate losses during the base/main crop area.

Types of intercropping

 Mixed intercropping -Growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land with no distinct row arrangement.

 Row intercropping – It is a kind of intercropping where different crops are grown at the same time in the same piece of land with a distinct row arrangement.

Strip intercropping – In this method, we will grow more than one crop in strips to allow independent cultivation in the same piece of land.

 Parallel intercropping – In this method, both selected intercrop and main crops are with different growing habits. Hence, there will be zero competition for the available resources. So, both crops can express their full yield potential.

 Basic pointers to put in mind when you decide to practice inter-cropping on your farm.

  • Growing tall crops with bushy crops.
  • Planting shallow-rooted crops as the intercrop.
  • Long-duration crops should be intercropped with short-duration crops.
  • The selected main crop and the intercrop should be of different families to help with pest and disease control.

What are the Advantages of intercropping?

  • Better utilization of available resources, therefore, increases productivity
  • Mitigate losses where the failure of any one of the crops fails.
  • Enhance soil fertility.
  • Better utilization of available space.
  • Provides extra income for the farmer.
  • To some extent, the pests and diseases of the main crop get controlled.
  • Minimizes the chances of soil crust formation and prevents soil erosion.
  • Improved weed management.

The downside of intercropping (disadvantages)

  • Mechanization or what we could call the use of machines might not be possible on the farm.
  • Due to different maturity times, harvesting might pose a challenge.
  • Sometimes intercrops work as alternate hosts for various pests and diseases.
  • Intercropping might turn out to be labor-intensive.
  • There might be competition for nutrients between the main crop and the intercrop.

Intercropping brings crop interaction and brings an improvement in the overall health of the crops. Are you practicing crop rotation on your farm share your experiences with us?

Benefits of using compost as manure on your farm

Composting is the breakdown of any organic material over time; this organic matter includes a mixture of plants, weeds, ash, fresh vegetable wastes from the kitchen, manure from animal shed, wood, and soil. Good compost has phosphate from ash, Nitrogen from green plants, and potassium from manure and wood.

Benefits of compost

  • It increases soil structural stability
  • Compost is readily available and free to make especially in remote areas
  • Compost stops soil erosion by increasing the organic carbon that holds the soil together
  • Compost gives nutrients to crops 
  • Improves soil moisture holding capacity     
  • Compost keeps the environment clean
  • Compost can be used on the farm over a long period of time as opposed to commercial inorganic fertilizers.

How to make good compost

  • Compost should be made in pits – a pit that is 2m long by 1 m wide and 1 meter deep is ideal but the length depends on the materials available.
  • Layer each type of waste on top of each other, the first layer at the bottom of the pit can be forest soil. The second can be leaves or grass which should be compacted by walking on top of it the third layer of manure then ash, and a top layer of soil. Except for the first layer, each layer should be watered with three cans of water before adding the next layer. These layers are then repeated in the same order until the pit is full.
  • Cover the top with mulch or polythene sheet to keep the compost moist
  • Compost should be turned in once monthly.
  • Good quality compost should take 4 months to get ready. Ready compost has the following distinct characteristics; Smell: nice and earthly with no bad ( sour or rotten ) smells; Feel: moist and earthly not wet and sloppy or dry and powdery; Appearance: original organic materials not distinguishable pile contains soil-sized particles; Temperature: pile stop getting hot

Compost contributes to the fertility of your soil by adding organic matter and nutrients such as nitrogen that are trapped by bacteria in the soil. Make your own compost following the simple steps described above using materials available in your home. This will replenish your soil with essential nutrients and increase humus in the soil making your plants flourish and healthy.