Top Eight Advantages of Multi-Storey Gardens in Kenya


A multi-storey garden is a vertical farming method that creates gardens stacked on each other. The common crops grown are vegetables which provide a fresh supply for subsistence or commercial use. 

Multi-storey gardens offer various advantages that go beyond conventional farming. From conserving water to empowering communities, these gardens are becoming a beacon of innovation towards a  sustainable and resilient agricultural future.


Uses Little Water and Conserves Resources

One of the standout features of multi-storey gardens is their ability to thrive on minimal water. In a country where water scarcity is a pressing issue, this is a game-changer. By utilizing advanced irrigation techniques such as drip systems, these gardens efficiently deliver water directly to the roots, minimizing waste and maximizing conservation efforts.

Economical on Space

The traditional notion of vast fields for farming is challenged by the compact nature of multi-storey gardens. An area as small as 4 square feet can accommodate a staggering 130 plants, a remarkable contrast to conventional farming, where the same space might host a mere 16 plants. This economical use of space is a crucial advantage, especially in densely populated urban areas where land is at a premium.

Job Creation for Youth

Beyond the crops, multi-storey gardens cultivate opportunities for the youth. From the installation to the design of these vertical ecosystems, a range of jobs emerges. This addresses unemployment and provides a platform for the younger generation to participate actively in agriculture, fostering a connection to the land and the food they produce.

Supporting Food Security 

In a scenario where land and water resources are scarce, multi-storey gardens emerge as a powerful tool for ensuring food security. By maximizing the yield per square meter, these gardens become a viable solution for regions facing the challenge of producing enough food to meet the needs of a growing population.

Dietary Diversification and Inexpensive Nutrition

Multi-storey gardens pave the way for dietary diversification, offering a rich number of crops in a limited space. This diversity contributes to a healthier diet for communities and is a practical nutrition education tool. The produce from these gardens is not only inexpensive but also a rich source of essential nutrients, promoting well-rounded and balanced nutrition.

Income Generation and Empowerment 

Beyond sustenance, multi-storey gardens become a source of income. The surplus produce can be sold, generating revenue for individuals and communities. Moreover, these gardens play a crucial role in empowering women, offering them opportunities to participate in agriculture actively, contribute to household income, and become self-reliant.

Year-Round Production and Low Input Agriculture 

One of the striking advantages of multi-storey gardens is their ability to produce crops consistently throughout the year. By creating a controlled environment, these gardens are not subject to the seasonal constraints that affect traditional farming. Furthermore, they embrace the concept of micro-agriculture, utilizing minimal space and water, resulting in low input requirements and, consequently, low labour demands.

Combining Aspects for Holistic Growth 

The multi-storey garden approach is a holistic solution, weaving together dietary diversification, nutritional education, women empowerment, income generation, and community promotion. It’s not just about growing plants; it’s about nurturing communities, fostering self-reliance, and building a sustainable future that benefits everyone involved.


In the quest towards sustainable agriculture, Kenya’s embrace of multi-storey gardens is a step in the right direction. From addressing water scarcity to fostering community empowerment, these vertical ecosystems showcase the power of innovation in ensuring a resilient and thriving agricultural landscape for the future.

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