Benefits of using compost as manure on your farm

Composting is the breakdown of any organic material over time; this organic matter includes a mixture of plants, weeds, ash, fresh vegetable wastes from the kitchen, manure from animal shed, wood, and soil. Good compost has phosphate from ash, Nitrogen from green plants, and potassium from manure and wood.

Benefits of compost

  • It increases soil structural stability
  • Compost is readily available and free to make especially in remote areas
  • Compost stops soil erosion by increasing the organic carbon that holds the soil together
  • Compost gives nutrients to crops 
  • Improves soil moisture holding capacity     
  • Compost keeps the environment clean
  • Compost can be used on the farm over a long period of time as opposed to commercial inorganic fertilizers.

How to make good compost

  • Compost should be made in pits – a pit that is 2m long by 1 m wide and 1 meter deep is ideal but the length depends on the materials available.
  • Layer each type of waste on top of each other, the first layer at the bottom of the pit can be forest soil. The second can be leaves or grass which should be compacted by walking on top of it the third layer of manure then ash, and a top layer of soil. Except for the first layer, each layer should be watered with three cans of water before adding the next layer. These layers are then repeated in the same order until the pit is full.
  • Cover the top with mulch or polythene sheet to keep the compost moist
  • Compost should be turned in once monthly.
  • Good quality compost should take 4 months to get ready. Ready compost has the following distinct characteristics; Smell: nice and earthly with no bad ( sour or rotten ) smells; Feel: moist and earthly not wet and sloppy or dry and powdery; Appearance: original organic materials not distinguishable pile contains soil-sized particles; Temperature: pile stop getting hot

Compost contributes to the fertility of your soil by adding organic matter and nutrients such as nitrogen that are trapped by bacteria in the soil. Make your own compost following the simple steps described above using materials available in your home. This will replenish your soil with essential nutrients and increase humus in the soil making your plants flourish and healthy.

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